"I can't believe there are so many privacy risks involved in broadcasting my entire life on Facebook" cartoon. From someecards.
We want you to know that we collect, use, and share your information gathered on this website. We keep it secure.
We collect both personal information, that associated with your name, and non-personal information from you.
On this website we sometimes ask you to give us information. We collect email addresses of people who email us. We collect information about you when we process a sale, either through this website or during personal visits.
We collect your information when you use social media associated with NotchPoint or any of the software providers that enable us to offer our services to you. These third party service providers will provide you separately their privacy policy and terms of use.
We use the information you may provide to send you announcements about our services, including, but not limited to, product information, promotional events, or updates to our website.
NotchPoint does not share your information. Please be aware though that our third party providers that you use may share your information. We do not have any control on how they might do so.
We may report to law enforcement agencies any activities that we think may be unlawful. For example, we may provide information to law enforcement agencies if we believe that you have violated our polices, or the release of your information may protect the rights, property, or safety of NotchPoint, LLC, or another person.
We take reasonable and appropriate measures to help keep your information secure, and to help prevent it from becoming disclosed to people who we didn’t mention in this policy. Even though we follow reasonable procedures to try to protect the information in our possession, no security system is perfect and we can’t promise, and you shouldn’t expect, that your information will be secure in all circumstances.
You may unsubscribe from our email promotions by sending an email to us from our Contact Us page with your name and email address. You may also unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email we send.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please reach out to us.